What is Pink Salt? Why is it Good for You?

Where does it come from?

When you hear the word Himalayan salt you immediately think of the Himalayan mountains, this is not entirely true though. Himalayan pink salt actually comes from just south of the western end of the Himalayan mountain range in the northern regions of Pakistan. The story goes that in the year 326 BC when Alexander the Great was taking his armies across this region to conquer India, he set up camp in the region. His soldiers noticed their horses were licking the rock on the ground and that's how the Salt was discovered.

Himalayan Salt Mine

Today, this same place is known as the Khewra salt mines and is the second largest salt mine in the world. This is the only place in the world that pink himalayan salt can be found, whether it's for lamps, for eating, or for anything else. It is believed that the mines were formed nearly 800 million years ago when a shallow sea evaporated creating a 300km long salt range. This salt is considered as the purest and healthiest form of salt in the world today. 

Here in the foothills of the Himalayas, the miners manually mine salt from the ancient caverns running up to half a mile deep and covering thousands of square kilometres. Sadly, they are only paid $3 per tonne of rock salt mined, on a good day. Part of our commitment at the Salt Lamp Shop is to return 10% of the profit from each lamp back into improving the lives and livelihood of these abused labourers and their children. Not only do we provide the best crafted lamps, but we have the cheapest prices, and on top of that FREE shipping nation wide. And if that wasn't enough, we're the only salt lamp retailer that's committed to ethical sourcing of our Salt Lamps without exploitation. Read more about the exploitation in this eye opening article.


Why is Himalayan salt pink?

The salt from the Khewra mines is pinkish in colour because it contains trace amounts of iron oxide, which is a fancy name for rust! However it is not dangerous at all to eat or to be around. In-fact there are 84 trace minerals in Himalayan salt and they're the reason for it's beautiful appearance and it's exceptional health benefits. Our bodies naturally needs both trace minerals as well as macro-minerals and our modern diets are often missing these elements. 

Macro-minerals contained in Himalayan salt:

  • calcium chloride
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • potassium and sodium.

Trace minerals:

  • boron
  • chromium
  • copper
  • fluoride
  • iodine
  • manganese
  • molybdenum
  • selenium
  • zinc
  • aluminum
  • carbon
  • platinum
  • selenium
  • sulfur and titanium.

salt lamp trace minerals

However not all salt is the same. Only A+ Grade Himalayan salt is safe to consumed. This is the purest form of Himalayan salt that is extracted from the mines and contains no regular stone or dirt impurities. 


Top salt makes top lamps.

Before you continue reading, have a look at our salt lamps to see all the lamps we have on sale now. We produce our lamps from the best Himalayan salt.

When it comes to your lamp, depending on where the Himalayan salt was mined from it will have a unique structure. Salt veins of pure salt run through the crystal giving it a unique fingerprint and aesthetic look. The rustic look adds to the natural ambience of the lamp. The amount of iron oxide content will determine how reddish your lamp is. However we only use quality salt in producing our lamps, no cracks or rock impurities are allowed and the salt chosen is of a nice warm pink colour. 

So with all that said, we hope you were sufficiently enlightened about exactly what Himalayan salt is and where it comes from. 

Photo Credit to Naturalsalthealing
Tags: is, pink, salt, what